artis anatomica
The title of this series is "ARTIS ANATOMICA". Artis, short for Natura Artis Magistra (Latin for "Nature is the teacher of art), and ANATOMICA , part of Terminologia Anatomica (TA) an international standard on human anatomic terminology. It was developed by the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT) and the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) and was released in 1998. Terminologia Anatomica contains terminology for about 7500 human gross (macroscopic) anatomical structures.
The works presented in this portfolio, from my ARTIS ANATOMICA series, combine the influences of nature and anatomy from a contemporary, abstract expressionist perspective, with a postmodern twist.Building from the self-conscious and the avant garde, yet moving beyond modernism, presents an interesting but challenging platform to recognize and compare such complex and contrasting worlds.
Both nature and anatomy exist within sophisticated structures. This fascinating phenomenon presents a never- ending investigation as I begin my attempts to define them.